Dear Sir,
May I relate a conversation I held with a grand old chap called David, I met him at the boating lake last week and he is in his eighties and a bit frail. We started chatting and I asked how he was doing, the usual things, his answer shook me to the core.
“Why does the Labour Party hate us pensioners?” he asked. “What have we done that they will condemn some of us to freeze or starve to death?”
“Is it that bad?” I asked.
“Yes,” he said, “I am only one man but there will be thousands of us who don’t qualify for the fuel allowance because we are a few pounds over on the means test. Even doctors are saying that many will die from the cold. Perhaps I will.”
He went on to say “that Starmer fellow said there is a big hole, yet he can give money to Unions and train drivers on £60,000 a year and all we want is a chance to survive with a lousy £300.”
“It seems he was recently given a suit worth thousands, that would pay my fuel bill for two years. It is obvious to me that we are expendable, perhaps they could stop the bus pass, then the free prescriptions, so we won’t be able to afford to get a bus and pay for the medicines we need. That would see us off and then they can give more pay rises to their union pals.”
This man is resigned to the fact that he may freeze or starve this winter because of what the Labour Party have done. I bet they are really happy about it, they certainly gave a great cheer when they won the vote!
So, Mr Strickland, perhaps you may like to attend any funeral of a pensioner who has succumbed to the cold in your constituency and tell the family that you are one of the people who voted for this disgusting and vile thing.
I feel that I must apologise to the pensioners, I was taken in by the deceit of Starmer and his cronies and voted Labour, it will never happen again, that’s for sure.
I can only say that I am disgusted, embarrassed and ashamed of a party that would do this to our precious old people and think it a noble thing to do.
God forgive you, because they will not.
Name and address supplied.