The PCP Wellbeing for Life service is delivering two exciting new physical activity courses at Neville Parade Community Centre in Newton Aycliffe. Circuits Your Way is a free 8 week course starting on Monday from 31 October 11am – 12noon. Everyone is welcome from complete beginners to people already benefitting from keeping fit and feeling healthy. Beginners Pilates is also free and starts on Tuesday 1 November, 2-3pm for 8 weeks. Both courses combine manageable exercise within a welcoming environment. The classes aim to promote fun, friendship and feeling good! The Wellbeing for Life service supports people to live well, by helping to address the factors which influence their health. The
service will build capacity to enable people to be independent, resilient and maintain good health for themselves and those around them. There will also be the opportunity to get extra support on a 1-1 basis from the Wellbeing for Life Health Trainers. Health Trainers can support you and your community to improve your wellbeing, signposting you to other local services where necessary. To book your place, please contact Liz Oakes, Wellbeing for Life Development Officer on 07584703815 For further information on the Wellbeing for Life service and how it can help you contact freephone: 0800 8766887 or visit: www.wellbeingforlife. net, Facebook: @ C o u n t y D u r h a m WellbeingForLifeService
Free Wellbeing Fitness Course at Neville Parade