Application forms for the free Senior Citizens’ Excursions will be available from the Library and Recreation Centre in Beveridge Way, the Oakleaf Sports Complex, Golf Complex and Great Aycliffe Town Council Offices, School Aycliffe Lane from 10 am on Tuesday 17th April. The forms will also be available from the Council’s website
The closing date for applications is Friday 27th April 2018.
To be eligible, you do not have to be drawing your pension or have a bus pass, but you do have to be a resident of the electoral parish and 60 years old with a date of birth on or before 31st March 1958 (applies to both men and women). If you are in any doubt, please telephone 01325 300700 and we will check your eligibility.
This year, the destinations are Northumberland, Skipton, Scottish Borders, Blackpool, Lake District and South Shields. Please note that places are limited and given out on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
A three course meal and tea or coffee is provided in good quality establishments with disabled facilities. Most of the excursions also call in for a comfort stop with refreshments provided on the way to or from the main destination.
The coaches provided are 49-53 seater executive coaches with toilet facilities. There is also one, executive coach with a wheelchair hoist to each destination. This ensures that people with mobility problems can enjoy a day out. The hoist can be used for loading wheelchairs for residents who need to travel in their wheelchair, or as a lift for people who cannot manage the steps on the coach.