Workshops to develop a socially inclusive community garden set in the grounds of the Pioneering Care Centre are well on their way with participants learning, growing and being inspired.
Plot to Plate is a free 16 week course, with thanks to the Great Aycliffe and Middridge Area Action Partnership’s (GAMPs) ‘Your Money, Your Area, Your Views’ Community Grants Fund.
It’s been running on Wednesday mornings since April and local residents are gaining ‘hands on’ experience clearing the site, sewing seeds, understanding soils and composting, growing vegetables, cultivating fruit and herbs and much more.
A wide variety of plants including tomatoes, potatoes, salad leaves, beans, chives, rocket and beetroot have been planted in the garden and greenhouse and volunteers have been recruited to tend the plots during the week.
Participants are feeling benefits in the following ways:
• improved physical health from increased activity
• feeling better from being outside
• making new friendships
• learning new skills
• saving money from growing their own produce
• opportunities for volun-teering
One of the gardeners said “This is a very interesting course, we have good team work, an interesting tutor and it promotes good healthy eating whilst helping us keep fit”.
People will be able to sample the home grown produce once it is ready in the Pioneering Care Centre’s Mall Coffee Shop and anyone can pop into the Centre and see how the community garden is growing!
Further information: Pioneering Care Centre, Carers Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 4SF tel: 01325 321234 email:,,
Free Plot to Plate Course at PCP