Durham residents are benefitting from warmer homes and lower bills thanks to a free gas boiler scheme from Warm Up North. Warm Up North is the landmark scheme from British Gas, Durham County Council and eight other councils in the North East. It helps households across the region to save money and stay warm, while helping to improve health and wellbeing in the local area. Denise Gibson, a mother of three from Aycliffe in County Durham is looking forward to lower bills thanks to a free ‘A’ rated new gas boiler from Warm Up North. Denise said: “My gas boiler was 10 years old, and didn’t have a working thermostat, so when I saw a letter about the scheme it seemed like a good idea to get it replaced. “The team was absolutely brilliant, and now it is installed, my gas boiler heats up quickly, and I can control our hot water and heating without having to manually switch the boiler on and off. “As we qualified for the scheme it meant we didn’t have to pay anything towards the new gas boiler, or the installation, which saved us thousands of pounds. I’ve got peace of mind that the boiler won’t break down, and have the flexibility of being able to control my heating and hot water via the thermostat.” Amanda Bruce, lead Partnership Development Manager at Warm Up North, added: “Warm Up North is here to help residents reduce their energy bills, regardless of their energy supplier. A warm and working home is essential for a healthy life, and an efficient gas boiler is a huge part of achieving this. Your gas boiler typically accounts for half the cost of your energy bills, so replacing an old or inefficient one with a new A-rated one could save you around £215 every year. “The free gas boiler scheme means there’s never been a better time to replace what can be a very expensive essential item.” The scheme is open to anyone who qualifies, not just British Gas customers, subject to a free gas boiler survey to check eligibility. Households may qualify for the scheme if they receive income related benefits such as State Pension Credit, Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance or Universal Credit – and have an inefficient gas boiler. For more information about the Warm Up North free gas boilers scheme, contact 0800 316 4320* or visit www.warmupnorth.com/ freegasboilerwww.warmupnorth.com/ freegasboiler
Free Gas Boilers