If you’re looking for something fun and different to do with the kids, there’s plenty going on at the Pioneering Care Centre.
Weekly family art sessions ‘Colour your Life’ are running every Thursday from 4pm. Local artist Gill Adams will be delivering a mixture of activities for all ages including magic pudding making, a family tree-house competition and a story show with puppetry and performance.
Story Show and Tell: includes story-telling, sketching, colour and design work. Each person chooses a character or animal from one of the stories they’ve read and thinks about how they could transform themselves into that character or animal. The youngsters will then create a secret pudding and illustrate a magic glass container to carry it home in.
Family Tree House Competition: Each family decorates and fills a box in a way that best describes their family. The contents can include an illustrated family tree, small toys or gifts, family photos and mementoes. The boxes will tell their ‘family story’. The boxes will be exhibited and the best family tree house box wins a prize.
Puppetry, Props and Performance: Recycled materials, hand paints, wool, pieces of clothing and fabrics are used to create the puppets and costumes. Participants can try crafts such as knitting, sewing, painting, sculpting and set design to create a stage front so that a story can be interpreted by a performance from the children. Dressing up, drama and film making will also be incorporated.
The classes are free and children’s snack boxes are available for £1.99, pre-booking essential.
‘Colour your Life’ is a social prescribing project funded through Durham County Council Public Health. It aims to provide access to activities to promote positive mental health and wellbeing amongst participants.
Why not call today to find out more or book your place at the family sessions. Pioneering Care Centre, tel: 01325 321234 email: colouryourlife@pcp.uk.net website: www.pcp.uk.net
Or find us on Twitter: @PioneeringCare and Facebook: /PCPandCentre
Free Family Fun This Fall at the PCP