Newton Aycliffe Football Club (NAFC) are to hold a fundraising Race Night on Friday 13 March starting at 7:30pm in the Sports Club at Moore Lane.
The evening has been put together with the help of the NAFC Committee and members of NAFC Supporters Club. We will have a professional firm helping with the races and betting. Admission is FREE. All we ask is that you bring some pound coins and notes with you.
We have sold out the race sponsorships but you can still buy a horse for £2 or have a go at our tricast for £1. The winner of the tricast will win £100.
We also have numerous other prizes for winners on the evening. This is a cheap night out, in a lovely welcoming venue where the football team are based. Please show your appreciation to the Football Club by supporting this event.If you are unable to attend you can still take part by purchasing a horse or a number on the tricast in advance.
It is rare to attend such events with FREE admission so we hope you will make the effort to come along and have an enjoyable evening. If you would like to donate a prize please contact the football club at our next home football match on Saturday 7 March. Kick off is 3 pm when we host Durham City FC.
Please support your local team.
Further details by phoning Bob Wood on 07766 808407.
Free Entry to Race Night at Town’s Football Club