Four Masonic Lodges in our area came together on 24th June to support the Darlington & Bishop Auckland MRI Scanners Appeal, donating £1000 to the Chairman of the Durham & Darlington NHS Trust, Prof Paul Keane OBE. The donation marked the 300 year anniversary of Freemasonry held at Ferryhill Masonic Hall where members and guests enjoyed a Dinner with entertainment organised by Robbie Davison and John Dodds. Cheques for £250 each were presented by Robbie Davison and Arthur Hopgood from Aycliffe Lodge, John Dodds and Phil Errington of Rowlandson Lodge, Ian Ormiston and Chris Maddison from Roger De Fery Lodge and Chris Smith and Patrick Gilbert of Manor Lodge. Paul Keane expressed appreciation on behalf of the MRI Charity Committee and explained how valuable the new scanners will be in saving money, increasing efficiency and giving better Patient diagnosis.
Four Local Masonic Lodges Donate £1000 to MRI Appeal