Dear Sir,
I am writing to say how disappointed I am with the Town Centre Management team for the condition of our town clock. It has not been working properly for at least the last 10 months.
When I called this offices last week, to find out if it would be chiming at 11am to signify the start of two minutes silence, I was appalled to be told that it would not be fixed, but it would be shut off instead.
When I asked if I could speak to the manager, Mr Trevor Gyllenspetz, I was told that he is only in the office on Monday and Tuesday, to which you can be sure I will try to get to see him.
I am sure that if Big Ben can be fixed in a reasonable time (a clock which is a lot older than ours), then the management team could have fixed ours by now, if they so wished. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say on this matter.
The total disrespect that the management team have for the people of Newton Aycliffe, who have lost family members in the two World Wars and conflicts since, as well as serving members of the military now, is just disgusting.
Patricia Nash.
Newton News contacted the town centre management team and received the following quote “Unfortunately, Patricia did call the office when I was unavailable. However, I spoke to the lady on my return and hopefully assured her that I have the upmost respect and appreciation for all the sacrifice, suffering and pain conflict brings to bear on the valued members of our Armed Services.
The clock was turned off to ensure that no disturbance was caused during the Remembrance Day Service. The clock mechanism, controlling the chimes, has failed. The aging mechanism, we are informed, is now past it’s serviceable life and we hope to have the clock back to full working condition in the coming months.
I have assured Patricia that, should the clock not be repaired, she is very welcome to meet with me.
Trevor Gyllenspetz
Centre Manager.