Dear Sir,
My husband and I both worked hard and never thought that people needed food. We were also of the opinion that people on benefits were better off than us.
I now see that is not the case, since I took ill and my husband had to care of me. We were forced to leave the family home. We needed help and I went to the Jobcentre who told me to go the Foodbank at St. Clare’s.
I was so embarrassed and shaking when I met Ernie and June Temple who were warm and kind and made me feel at ease. I received no help from the Jobcentre where I explained I had no food or money.
I received help from the Foodbank for which I am very grateful. When I get on my feet I will donate to the Foodbank.
I was glad of help from Ernie and June and thank them for the great work they do for those in need.