Dear Sir,
May I express my concerns with regards to the very eye catching notice that was published on page 12 in the 14th January issue of the Newton News? In light of what is currently happening in government right now with the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson under extreme pressure to resign for the alleged many breaches of covid rules and laws at Downing Street and other cabinet offices over the past twelve months or so. The laws and rules that HE stipulated that WE MUST follow and obey, which many of us struggled and suffered throughout, but did exactly what was asked; despite the touch paper being lit when Dominic Cummings did what he did and pretty much got away with it.
Seeing this article has really touched a nerve and boils my blood, and I’m sure I’m not the only one! The timing couldn’t have been so wrong, the article structure and contents equally couldn’t be so wrong. Is our conservative MP, Mr. Howell, representing his constituents or, does he have some authority over us telling us what WE should do and laying down the law? Is it really his place to be doing such a thing, especially with what is happening right now in his own party? I find that article grossly offensive and highly hypocritical.
Firstly, it’s in red! Upper case font, which indicates expression as though shouting. Clearly Mr. Howell has been to the shops recently and has noticed that the people are just quietly getting on with it in their own way, shop staff and the public, each to their own. I think we’ve all had enough now and I certainly see no need whatsoever for such an offensive article like this. Above all, he fails to state an important part of the law…those who are EXEMPT!
This article is clearly an article of Conservative dictatorship in the name of covid. Clearly he is angry at something, and that something is happening at Whitehall? If anything, I would’ve accepted Mr. Howell’s article if it was firstly, not in Red and perhaps used better phrasing, such as, ‘A Polite Notice’ or ‘May I Remind You’ etc and refrained from stipulating the law, when now is NOT the time to be laying down the law by any conservative politician, with what has been going on. Shameful to say the least.
Who is he targeting with this article?
Perhaps Mr. Howell should use his time more efficiently and preach the ‘covid law’ to members of his own party, including that of his illustrious leader Boris, instead of us! We have suffered enough as it is and now their conduct is borderlining cheek and offensive. People have lost loved ones, livelihoods, vast sums of money. Their mental health has been severely disrupted and has greatly suffered, and to have the mindless gall to issue an article like this is outright hypocrisy!
How dare he? And I’m sure many others have taken offence by this article in the same way but dare not say anything because of the ‘Conservative’ world we now live in, but how long for, is the question?
The ‘Brexit’ bandwagon is over and the people can see this party for what it really is. Perhaps the people may vote more wisely and truly and look for honest leadership, leadership that is more in line to their way of life and ideals instead of this nonsense! I think our MP, Mr. Howell, should offer a formal apology for this hypocritical, patronising and offensive article or, perhaps he should join Boris and resign for inappropriate conduct?
Was this ‘rubber stamp’ article his duty and was it absolutely necessary? Or is it one step too far for the conservatives, yet again?
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