Dear Sir,
Fly tipping has been a problem in Heighington/Redworth area for the past two years and has been a PACT Priority off and on for the best part of that time.
The fly tipping enforcement team at Darlington Borough Council, have said that on 31/05 the present consultation time re the cuts will come to an end. The results will be discussed on the 22nd June at a special council meeting and then announced on 29/06.
The proposals are for no enforcement in littering, dog fouling, abandoned vehicles, commercial waste, back street waste and fly tipping. Basically there will be one member of staff left, this will be the dog warden, the other three are being made redundant. They have strongly recommended that Brian Graham who is the service manager is contacted and feeling made clear about the proposed cuts and lack of enforcement, his email is
They believe that the people of Darlington have not been adequately informed of the impact of the proposed cuts and I feel this is correct.
We all understand that budgets have been cut and savings must be made, however perhaps the council should be looking in other areas for these cuts. Summerhouse village, have a de-restriction sign and the council have just advertised a new speed limit for traffic through the village of 50mph, which will come into effect probably in July. This will require new 50mph signage. Is it possible the council could look at how much money is wasted on unnecessary jobs before they start to cut services that we need to prevent our rural areas looking like landfill sites?
We need enforcement for fly tipping. If we don’t fine those who think it’s ok to dump rubbish anywhere they please (often taking money from householders to pay for the disposal of building/garden refuse) it will increase.
Please contact Brian Graham and tell him how you feel.
Sanda Bremner
PACT Chairperson
Fly Tipping Enforcement May Stop