Break in with Possible Arson
Last Sunday morning Chris Palmer, Director of the Furniture Scheme at Chillton received a phone call to say that one of the factory units had been broken into and set fire. The police and three fire engines attended the scene and brought it under control.
The industrial site is owned by Durham County Council, but the CCTV is non-operational. Police Scene of Crime, Fire Brigade Team are investigating and the building is now sealed off and inaccessible.
The fire has caused extensive smoke damage to the entire unit and the break in point seems to have been through the rear fire exit. The building had been secured, padlocked and locked throughout. Arson is a possibility and will be confirmed later. This is a training and support facility and as such this fire will have severe operational, commercial and business implications causing issues and concerns.
“We will need urgent help to get the training and employment facility back into full swing” said Chris Palmer. In the meantime CDFHS have been very busy converting unit 12 into a training, recycling and employment support facility. Unit 12 had been used as a ‘bargain basement’ with items £20 or less, unfortunately they no longer have space for this.
Fire Hinders Charity Work