The “FEEL GOOD FILM SHOW” at St Clare’s Church on TUESDAY 6th MARCH features the drama “CARMEN JONES” Starring Harry Belafonte, Dorothy Dandridge and Pearl Bailey.

This contemporary version of Bizet’s opera, adapted to the screen, has modern lyrics to the original songs. It is set in an American army camp and is the first film ever to have a completely African-American cast.

If opera isn’t your thing don’t be put off, this isn’t high-brow stuff. EVERYONE IS WELCOME Tea and coffee are served at 1pm, included in the £2, and the film starts at 1.15pm.

A variety of chairs are provided for your comfort, and tables so that you can bring a spot of lunch to eat while you enjoy a great film in friendly company. For further details ring Ric Hargreaves 01325 316755.