St Clare’s Church FEEL GOOD FILM SHOWS on Tuesday 3rd February will feature one of the most feel-good film musicals of all time “MY FAIR LADY”.
With a Star cast of Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Stanley Holloway and Jeremy Brett, and songs including “Wouldn’t it be Loverly” “With a Little bit of Luck” “I Could Have Danced all Night” “On the Street Where You Live” and so many more, it is a sheer joy from start to finish.
Tea and coffee served at 1pm, included in the £2. The film starts at 1-15pm. A variety of chairs are set out for your comfort, and tables too so you can bring a spot of lunch to eat.
Everyone is most welcome to join us and watch this pure feel good film in friendly company. Details from Ric Hargreaves 316755.
Film Show at St Clares