St Clare’s Church FEEL GOOD FILM SHOWS will feature “OLIVER” on Tuesday 2ND DECEMBER. Starring Ron Moody, Oliver Reed, Harry Secombe, Shani Wallis, Mark Lester, Peggy Mount, Leonard Rossiter and Hylda Baker, this musical adaption of Charles Dicken’s classic tale has everything.
Songs such as “Consider Yourself”, “As Long as he Needs Me” “Food, Glorious Food” “Reviewing The Situation” and “Where is Love” helped to earn the film an Oscar for Best Score, and it took another 5 Oscars including Best Picture.
Tea and coffee served at 1pm, included in the £2. The film starts at 1-15pm. A variety of chairs are set out for your comfort, and tables too so you can bring a spot of lunch to eat. EVERYONE IS MOST WELCOME to join us and watch this real feel good film in friendly company. Further details from Ric Hargreaves 01325 316755
Film Show