The “FEEL GOOD FILM SHOW” at St Clare’s Church on TUESDAY 21st JUNE will feature the classic “CASABLANCA” starring HUMPHREY BOGART, INGRID BERGMAN, PAUL HENREID, PETER LORRE, SIDNEY GREENSTREET. Why should you come and see it? It was made in black and white in 1942.
There are no special effects, no bad language or sex, very little violence. It does have wonderful acting, plot, script, and a cast of the finest actors. It is a classic film of lost love in wartime, intrigue, fearful refugees trying to flee from war. As time goes by this film remains timeless.
Tea and coffee will be served at 1pm, included in the £2, and the film starts at 1-15pm. A variety of chairs are provided for your comfort, and tables so that you can bring a spot of lunch to eat while you enjoy a great film in friendly company. EVERYONE IS MOST WELCOME. For further details ring Ric Hargreaves 01325 316755.
Film Show 17/06/16