The “FEEL GOOD FILM SHOW” at St Clare’s Church on Tuesday 21st February features the comedy-drama “STEPMOM” Starring Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon and Ed Harris. A broken marriage, a new girlfriend and two children in the middle of it all doesn’t sound like comedy. Well no, it isn’t all laughs; they all have some learning to do, learning to be there, for the joy, for the tears and for each other.
So when it isn’t comedy it’s heart-warming. Tea and coffee will be served at 1pm, included in the £2. The film starts at 1.15pm. A variety of chairs are provided for your comfort, and tables so that you can bring a spot of lunch to eat while you enjoy a great film in friendly company. Everyone is most welcome. For further details contact Ric Hargreaves 01325 316 755.