Dear Sir,
With reference to Cllr. Robson’s misleading article headed ‘Fresh Approach’ where he stated that the Tory, Lib Dem and Independent administration at County Hall are to provide ‘FREE pest control…. for residents.’ This so called fresh approach has raised false expectations within our community, they are charging £40 for this service.
To clarify, the Joint Administrations Cabinet approved the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 12 which states on page 49 on fees and charges; “the council has addressed some of its financial challenges through increasing fees and charges.” The document further confirms in paragraph 111, section (g) that additional Front Line Service Investments related to Pest Control includes an “additional £10,000 income” through domestic pest treatment and charges.
However, the service will receive a welcome £0.141 million, this is to facilitate staffing increases of; one investigations officer and two pest control officers plus one 0.5 fte support officer. We are told this is to help reduce a backlog of pest control investigations, returning waiting times to reasonable levels. This investment also includes the introduction of a means tested welfare assistance scheme to support those who cannot afford to pay the fees and charges.
Cllr. Eddy Adam, Aycliffe West Division
False Expectations