Dear Sir,
Counc Bob Fleming in last week’s front page letter stated he arranged a meeting between senior members of the Town Council with the County Council on their plans to remove lighting on the A167.
This showed the Council was listening to the people and as a result a Service Level Agreement with the County Council will save the lights around Aycliffe. Counc. Fleming was confident the agreement would be accepted by the Town Council.
What about the cost to the ratepayer as it has been reported we have to put up £46,000. Can we afford it and should this not go out for consultation?
The County Council say they can’t afford the lights to stay on yet it has also been documented the Labour Leader receives an allowance of £1000 a week and his Cabinet colleagues get £500 a week while ordinary members receive around £255 a week.
It is clear from this that none of our County Councillors will fall below the “poverty line” unlike a lot of the ratepayers.
Name & address supplied.