Dear Sir,
May I add my congratulations to all at Newton Press in celebration of fifty years and publishing this excellent paper.
I am sure I am not alone in saying that when it drops through my letter box every week, it still excites me in anticipation at what I am going to read about life in our town.
A big thanks to Syd, Paul, Stuart and Christopher and indeed all of the workforce who continue to make this the longest running free publication newspaper in the UK.
It gives everyone their own freedom in expressing their views and opinions, which in this modern day and age is nigh impossible.
Well done and many, many good wishes to all, as you continue to highlight activities, businesses and all the very worthy articles which are a pleasure to read. and the photographs a pleasure to see.
Thank you Newton Press, long may your business flourish and continue to bring enjoyment to all who read it’s pages.
God Bless you all
Pam Lovelass
Town Centre Chaplin.