GAMP Children & Young People’s Network would like to invite readers to a meeting about an exciting new project funded by GAMP and coordinated by Success (North East).
Wednesday 16th September 2015 from 1pm – 3pm (Refreshments from 12.45pm) at Greenfield Community Arts Centre
The new network aims to improve access to children and young people’s activities in the GAMP area by bringing together all organisations that provide or are interested in promoting activities for children, young people and families in the GAMP area.
• You will be invited to attend regular network meetings or join our e-network
• At the meeting you will share information on the activities you provide, discuss any particular issues for children and young people, jointly plan future provision and help to identify gaps in provision.
We will work to bring all of the ideas together and promote all activities via:
• Social Media – website links, Facebook, twitter and the use of QR technology.
• Holiday booklets – these will be produced for 5 school holiday periods (Oct 15-Aug 16)
• A ‘What’s On’ in the GAMP area guide – a comprehensive booklet of local activity providers.
• All booklets will be distributed to every household in the GAMP area alongside the Newton News
As the project is funded by GAMP AAP it is FREE and you will not need to pay anything!
All that we ask is that you:
• Get involved either by attending the Network Meetings or keeping in touch via an e-network.
• Complete a Children and Young People’s Network registration form
• Provide information to be included in the joint publicity brochure. (no cost to your organisation)
• Promote and share information distributed via the network to your client group or own networks
• Provide feedback around increased engagement or access to information as a result of the network
• If appropriate to your organisation, offer a free room and refreshments for the network meetings.
Please spread the word about the network-we want to reach as many organisations as possible to ensure we provide the best opportunities for children, young people and families in the GAMP AAP area.
The first meeting will be an introductory session to get to know each other as well as planning publicity for the October half term Holidays. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Wendy on 07415 380040.
If you or a representative from your organisation would like to attend the meeting please confirm your attendance by emailing or telephone 07415 380040 by Friday 11th September. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at the first meeting
Exciting New Network Project for Young People