Aycliffe Radio working in conjunction with the Aycliffe Town Centre Management arranged events in the town centre with local community organisations coming together to promote their groups and causes.
Saturday 17th July kicked the event off with many residents associations, charities and local help groups setting up stall to assist and inform those in attendance about how their organisations are able to offer help. This first event was so successful that there are plans to repeat this nearer Christmas, watch Newton News for more information.
Saturday 24th July gave residents the opportunity to meet and talk to our local emergency service teams including the town police beat team, fire brigade and Great North Air Ambulance. Those in attendance reported a great turn out, receiving visitors from as far afield as Durham, Sunderland and Leeds.
Saturday 31st July was the turn of the local sports teams to come along and have the opportunity to recruit new members. There were also fabulous displays by the children from Infinity Dance, McAdam Dance School, Zanshin Karate and Athena Sports Academy.
Luckily the weather held out for us and, apart from a few drops of rain on the final day, the events enjoyed good weather. Below are a few images from the events and MP Paul Howell.