Walworth School takes part in ‘Every Mile is a Smile’ for mental awareness week, wearing yellow..
Children and staff from Walworth Primary Day and Residential School took part in walking Every Mile is S smile to raise awareness for mental health week. Children marked a smile in chalk after every mile they walked wearing yellow.
Our school provides a service for children who have severe social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
Louise Hopper, Senior Residential Child Care Officer, states “Our aim is to significantly improve the quality of all our children’s lives and with this in mind raise awareness of mental health reaching out to families across the community. As a committed staff team, we would like to build and create positive learning experiences for all our children in a variety of ways, to support their daily struggles and help deal with the challenges they may face on a daily basis. We will continue to strive and push forward, enriching our children’s knowledge of support available for those in need.”
Every Mile is a Smile