St Clare’s Church is holding another evening of poetry reading on Saturday 18th July at 7pm. On this occasion it will be a very simple do, just sitting around reading poetry IF YOU WISH TO otherwise you can sit and listen to a real good mix of poetry, old and new, funny and sad, modern and classic.
Everything from Pam Ayres, Carol Ann Duffy and Spike Milligan to the war poets, the work of local poets and the greats such as Rossetti, Byron and Wordsworth. The evenings are always good fun, never dry, and anyone who enjoys poetry is most welcome to join us.
Books of poetry aplenty will be available if you would like to find poetry to read or browse through.
This will be a very simple evening, bring your own wine or whatever and food; tea and coffee will be served. The price for a lovely evening’s entertainment is £4, £1 for children, and proceeds go to church funds. For further details please ring Ric Hargreaves on 01325 316755
Evening of Poetry