As another school year had drawn to a close, Vane Road Primary School children and staff had good reason to smile. The annual Leavers Fair, which included a nostalgic mix of traditional stalls and activities together with the complementary presence of exciting fairground rides, raised the astounding total of almost £1400. Celebrations and fun continued with the customary end of term disco. A welcome opportunity for the children and staff to enjoy a chance to unwind in each other’s company whilst contemplating the successful results of a whole school team effort. The kitchen staff added to the festivities by providing a “seaside themed end of term lunch”. They decorated the school with bunting and dressed up for the occasion before serving a delicious meal of fish and chips in authentic fish shop style paper cones. What a community spirit! Thanks to everyone who make Vane Road School the thriving educational community it is. Headteacher Mr. Pavey and Chair of Governors Mr. Patel are justifiably proud. Well done to children, parents and staff!
End of Year Fun at Vane Road