Dear Sir, It is that time again when Labour Councillors come out of the dark and into the sunlight so we know who they are. Yes it is Election Time and they want us to know how they have spent OUR MONEY – RATE PAYERS MONEY. Today I received a Labour Party leaflet from two West Ward Councillors Adams and Hopper telling us what they have done with rate payer’s money, the list looks good on paper, and some e are not in the west ward , What they should have done when elected was to spend a little time knowing where the west ward boundaries are.
Why in 2013 to 2014 K Hopper and E Adams spent a total of £6433 outside their ward when improvements were required in the West Ward. At first I put this down to their inexperience at being county councillors so I am now waiting for the figures for 2014 to 2015. In their leaflet they tell you what they did with ratepayer’s money! As they think and say that it is their money to do with what they want – sorry this has to be accountable. Now let me tell them and the readers of Newton News just what they did not do when attending meetings when Elections – Here We Go Again! very important items were discussed – that is when they do attend them. Closing down of Homes throughout Durham County; Closing Post Offices; Total disgrace of closing the DLI Museum; No support for teacher’s assistants where all Labour members voted for these measures.
In their leaflet again they blame the Government, WHY? It was the Labour Party that got us in this mess. Anyone can run the country by borrowing money, as the Labour Party did BUT there is a time when it has to be paid back, and this is what is happening now. The Labour controlled Council are aware they do not have to do what they are doing, as they do have reserves. There is an election on the 4th May 2017 and this is why Labour councillors are putting these leaflets out now. They must be desperate to get reelected, but not with my vote as I do not like what they have done in the past four years .
One Councillor sometimes misses meetings because he has two other jobs, but this is very convenient when there are very important items on the agenda, as they do not want to go against the Labour vote, These people forget that it is the people that voted them in, but then show no respect for what the people want. It has to be what the Labour Party want at all times! I get very tired of reading about the Labour Party always blaming the Government for everything. Our country would be a better place to live, without all this in-fighting I hear that Phil Wilson MP for Sedgefield has done a U-turn and is now voting to come out of the EU and I wonder if he is starting to worry that he might not get elected next time. In fact there are some MP’s that have resigned after being told what they had to do by the Labour Party leader, but we could not be that lucky. Can I remind the Labour Councillors putting out leaflets that you can only spend a limited amount on an election and you have spent some of yours already. Mrs M. Tomlin