Dear Sir,
An elderly couple in Newton Aycliffe wanted to make their garden area a place to sit out in, as one of them has terminal cancer and the other has arthritis. They followed the rules to find a tradesman to do the work and, after finding one who could do the work, they agreed a price. Workmen arrived, took down the shed and storage boxes and proceeded to dig out the garden ready for the sub base, they also took all their garden tools and equipment.
After two days work they approached the elderly couple and asked for some money for materials, they couple completed a bank transfer – £1000s given, and yes, you guessed it, they never returned.
My son, whose girlfriend lives next door, had heard what had gone on and my son contacted me to see if I could help. I spoke with the couple who were in tears because someone wanted to help.
I posted on local social media asking if any local businesses could help out and within a few hours I was contacted.
We were given sand, cement, sub base gravel and Indian sandstone paving slabs and the offer of help by local people. We managed to get rid of the rubbish and give them an area that they can use and enjoy.
The people of Aycliffe came together to help someone in need, and to everyone who stepped up to the challenge, I salute you.
Police and other agencies have been informed and it’s now being investigated.
Please, please never pay up front for work, pay a deposit and the rest on completion.
Name and address supplied