Woodham Academy prides itself on the pastoral support and guidance it offers to all students. Teenage years are not the easiest of ages. Growing up today presents young people with all sorts of pressures and anxieties:- friendships, family and school to name a few.
Some students have added pressures in their lives that schools are often unaware of. They may have responsibilities at home which are over and above what would be normally expected of teenagers. They may provide care, assistance or support to another family member. Any caring responsibility has a high emotional impact on a young person in addition to any physical or practical responsibilities.
Woodham Academy works very closely with The Bridge Project Young Carers Service to identify and support Young Carers. If there are any concerns that a student has a caring role at home a referral is made to the service and a meeting is held with a member of their team to discuss the best way of supporting the young person and their family. The added responsibilities that Young Carers have often impacts on their education. They may be tired, late for school, not do homework or have poor attendance. With the support of the school’s pastoral team and The Bridge Young Carers Service, the aim is to ease the pressures put on the Young Carer and enable them to fulfil their potential.
With the financial support of The Bridge Project Young Carers Service Woodham has refurbished a quiet room in school where students can go for some quiet time, to meet with friends or do their homework. It has been equipped with a new carpet, blinds, bean bags, tables and chairs. It demonstrates that Woodham Academy aims to support the needs of all students and strives to remove any barriers to their happiness and success in school.