Dear Sir, I was always of the belief that the use and supply of certain drugs such as Cannabis, Cocaine, Heroin etc. were prohibited in law under British legislation and that our Constabulary were charged with upholding the law. As a strong supporter of our law and order services I feel dismayed by the stance of our Chief Constable and Police Commissioner over proposed Heroin Shooting Galleries at a cost of allegedly £15k per addict. I am no expert but I think ending up on hard drugs is a progression from so called soft drugs and ignoring this is a perilous exercise which is fraught with danger. I would like to ask where are the funds coming from to provide this? Last year Cannabis was talked about in such a way that police had to later issue statements denying cannabis was to be made legal. We are told that year on year crime and antisocial behaviour has been falling yet local communities across Co. Durham are being plagued by illegal mini motos and quad bikes, underage drinking etc. I am told that action is not being taken because of a lack of police. As a result one police force in the country give most attention to the highest number of calls and priority is targeted towards need. The advice seems to be “Dial 101” and hope your neighbours ring too. Cllr. Ken Robson
Dynamic Durham Supercops Aim for Shooting Galleries