It has recently been announced that several police forces across the UK have launched a crackdown on drivers with poor vision. Amanda Stretton, motoring editor at says:
“Our sight is our most important sense when it comes to driving, so it’s understandable why police are making sure people have clear vision while they’re behind the wheel. It’s likely most motorists would even support this crackdown, given that our research shows over half (55%) think regular eye tests should be a legal requirement if you hold a driving license.
“Drivers who are unsure if they can read a number plate from 20 metres should book in their annual check-up. Drivers with poor eyesight can have their insurance policy voided if their insurer is unaware of any conditions and also have their licence revoked immediately.
“In fact there are a number of medical conditions – including poor vision – which require drivers to notify the DVLA, so to give drivers clarity on this issue we’ve pulled a list of these conditions and the reasons why they have restrictions into a helpful guide.”