Dear Sir,
In reply to Cllr. Phillip Hawkins article in last week’s edition about inconsiderate parking – I applaud you sir, as a neighbourhood coordinator in my area, I would like to ask those who park illegally, ie: double parking to stop intimidating other residents in our town in the belief that you own the road outside your property, as it is now getting beyond a joke and people are falling out with neighbours over petty squabbles.
Our Close has that many cars parked in it, (even with extended raised tarmac footpaths for bin wagons and emergency vehicles) to get past, at times it’s impossible for emergency services, bin wagons to get into our Close for fear of damage to other vehicles, and even when people with dropped kerbs, they too think it is OK and legal to double park on their own kerb, as well as parking on their driveway, blocking the road, which they think they have the God given right to.
I have been trying for many, many years to educate new residents over parking problems that everyone is experiencing on our town.
As Cllr Hawkins has said, the number of cars on the town has increased exponentially over the past few years, some families have 2, 3, even 4 cars and everyone seems to want to park outside their own front doors, which, as we know, cannot always be available. I ask all drivers to be considerate to others when parking, and to think about what will happen if a fire engine or ambulance wanted to get into your area but cannot, due to inconsiderate parking and the end result is that someone dies?
Name & address supplied