Dear Sir,
Whilst out walking around Woodham Way on Sunday 19th January at around 12 noon, my wife and I went single file on the pavement so a young lad walking towards us with a small Terrier type dog on a lead could pass us.
As we passed each other and without any warning, the dog lunged at me and sank it’s teeth into my left leg above my knee.  The lad, about 15, in a dark green coat with his hood up, as it was raining, pulled and pulled until it let go, but not before tearing my trousers. On immediate inspection I found teeth marks in my leg.
The boy would not give me any details of where he lived other than to act dumb and said he couldn’t remember the name of the road where he lived.
I would urge people to take great care when walking passed dogs that appear on the face of it to be ok as this one was clearly not and I am nursing a very sore leg.
I have been interviewed by the police and have given them a full description and statement of events. I am a big bloke but wonder what might have happened if it were a mum walking with her kids!
David Powte

dog bite