Dear Editor,
I feel that it has become necessary to highlight the problem of dog fouling in the Woodham area, which over the past few months has become a serious issue. In particular the grassed area next to Brafferton Close opposite the bike track is littered with dog waste which has not been picked up and it is now so bad that I am avoiding walking my dogs on this section of land because of the risk of my dogs, as well as myself, treading in it.
Several of my fellow local dog walkers in the area have been commenting on how bad the situation is now, and it has come to light that one particular person, with a larger breed of dog, has been spotted on more than one occasion, not picking up after their dog has done its business. Because this individual has been identified they will be reported to the authorities as it is only a matter of time before we find out where they live and perhaps obtain video evidence of their actions or lack of them!
Having said this, I am sure there are one or two other guilty parties as well, so be warned anyone who thinks it is acceptable to leave this mess laying around, that it is not going to be tolerated by the majority of us who take responsibility for our dogs and do the right thing by clearing up after them. A pack of 300 nappy sacks can be purchased from Tesco for around 36p if anyone thinks the cost of ’proper’ dog waste bags is too much, so there’s no excuse at all.
I will be speaking to local councillors this week to explore ways of addressing this matter so any developments will be communicated to local residents via Newton News.
Name and address supplied.
Councillor John D. Clare comments:
I thank the correspondent for highlighting this disgusting act, where people fail to pick up after their dog. It not only exposes residents to dirt, smell and disease, but spare a thought for the Council workers who operate the grass-cutters and strimmers, who go home night after night splattered in dog-dirt. Do people who fail to pick up appreciate that they are committing one of the foulest acts of anti-social behaviour?
Limited quantities of dog bags are available free (contact the Town Council on 01325 300700), so the writer is correct; there is no excuse.
If you know the name and address of someone you have witnessed failing to pick up after their dog, you can contact Durham County Council on 03000 260 000, or your local County Councillor. Upon receipt of a complaint DCC wardens may visit the perpetrator and, dependent on evidence, may be able to issue a fixed penalty notice.
However, this is an act which is very difficult to catch or to punish and will only be stopped when the perpetrators realise how negatively others view their actions, which is why this letter is so welcome.
Dog Fouling at Woodham