Dear Sir,
I live on Wakenshaw Drive in Newton Aycliffe and I want to try to energise the other residents into contacting the County Council to try to combat the increase in dog fouling occurrences on our street. I am a dog owner myself and clean up after my dog every time we go for a walk. When I see dog excrement on the pathway, I don’t understand the type of person who just thinks that’s okay.
I hope non-dog owners don’t think everyone who owns a dog doesn’t care. I do care, it makes me very angry when an owner in the area of my street thinks it’s fine to leave dog mess in the middle of the path.
I’m sure, like me, a lot of people think there is nothing that can be done. I want everyone who walks out of Wakenshaw Drive and sees the problem to raise a concern with Durham County Council. The amount of council tax we all pay should make the council take action to find and stop the culprit(s).
We need a change in the by-law to make it compulsory to carry dog poop bags. Council dog wardens (if we still have such a thing) could then stop and ask owners to prove they have the ability to clean up after their dog. If they don’t, fine them!
Name and address supplied.
Dog Fouling