Residents would have received the recent “Durham County News” magazine through their door, courtesy of our County Council.

Scouring the 32 page publication there is not one item referring to Newton Aycliffe, the largest populated town in the Authority’s area.

Surely there is enough happening in Newton Aycliffe to be shared with the rest of the County to show we are alive and kicking?

There was a bit about the Wildcats Basketball Team but the editorial team missed the opportunity to say the games were played in Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre. There was nothing either in five pages of “What’s on” in the county.

Newton News manages to produce a 16 page weekly newspaper with lots of items of local interest which could be featured in the County Council magazine.

It should be more representative of the County with invitations to our Councillors to submit items of interest to this publication.

Hopefully when the redevelopment of our shopping centre is complete it might merit a mention to raise awareness and tempt people in County Durham to vist our town.