Newton Aycliffe councillor and former Mayor Michael Dalton has condemned British film bosses for their ‘insensitivity’ in allowing the big screen movie ‘Suicide Squad’ to go on general release in the UK this week. He has described the decision as “an absolute disgrace” in the light of the recent slaughter caused by suicide bombers in Europe. Cllr Dalton took to the social media to ask: “Don’t these people have any concern for the victims of the atrocities in Europe or their grieving families?” He says that the film should ‘ideally be scrapped or at the very least postponed’ to prevent further distress and comments: “Whoever decided to release this film cannot have a conscience. It’s an absolute disgrace”. The Warner Brothers film centres on a secret government agency that recruits imprisoned supervillains to carry out dangerous black operations missions in exchange for clemency and saving the world from an unknown, powerful threat.
Disgraceful Film says Aycliffe Councillor