Dear Editor,
As a Full time working Mum of one, I was extremely disappointed to hear that the annual Christmas concert that we, as a family, look forward to every year – has been changed to a weekday in work/school hours.
I can`t understand who thought this was a good idea – are we just assuming now that people don’t have to go to work and are happy to take children out of school on a whim to attend these “family” events?
I am really sad that we won’t be able to attend, as I look forward to this event each year and watching the children sing the Christmas songs and the band playing, it’s a real festive family event that puts you in the mood for Christmas.
I hope very much that this will be changed back to a weekend day next year as I am sure that its not just our family that will have to miss out due to work and school commitments.
Samantha Mitchell
Editor; The Rotary Club organisers explained the change was due to the Leisure Centre not being available on the date required. As it happens the change to a weekday brought greater school and community involvement.
(See next issue for a full report).
Disappointment Over Christmas Community Concert Date Change