In last week’s issue of the Newton News I & V Waine expressed their disappointment that our Labour MP voted with the Government to extend bombing into Syria. They also wondered if he would be voting for Tory Financial Policies next.
Can I point out to the Waines and all Labour voters that Phil Wilson was elected on the current Labour Party Manifesto which was a watered down version of the Tory austerity programme. The country elected the Tories who promised more austerity. I would therefore expect our MP to vote on austerity matters in accordance with the Labour Manifesto upon which he stood and was elected. I suspect that the Waines were not aware of this fact when they voted Labour. Presumably, they voted Labour because their parents before them always voted Labour.
The fact that the members of many disparate (looney) left wing groups have paid £3 to be allowed to vote for Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party does not mean that the Labour electorate, or the electorate at large agree with the new Labour leader or his shadow cabinet on:
• Their anti-war stance. If Argentina were again to invade the Falklands Jeremy Corbyn would not support a declaration of war. Note: Jeremy Corbyn was elected by 59.5% of the Labour Party membership. The Falkland Islanders voted almost unanimously to stay British.
• Their high regard for terrorists and complete lack of respect for our armed forces past and present. The Labour run Durham County Council are proposing to close the DLI Museum in Durham! They seem to have forgotten the promise most of us have made on many a Remembrance Day – “We will remember them”. They are too high minded to accept that the Defence of the country is the primary duty of all elected MPs.
• Their dislike of the current directive to armed policemen to ‘shoot to kill’ in the event of a terrorist event. They consider their conscience and moral stand to be more important than the lives and freedom of the electorate and the armed police we rely upon for our protection.
• Their continued support for Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament. We have already reduced our Nuclear Arsenal while potential enemies have been increasing theirs!
I would suggest that the electorate of Sedgefield Constituency are now entitled to an explanation from their MP and local Labour Party as to how they intend to stand by their Election Manifesto in the face of constant changes being proposed by the new Labour leader and his communist leaning Shadow Cabinet and ‘cut price’ supporters. Most importantly we need their assurance that our democracy and country will still be safe in their hands.
Yours faithfully,
Alastair P.G. Welsh
Disappointed Labour Voters