June died almost thirty years ago from cancer when she was just 38 years of age and her husband is arranging a Memorial Service followed by a social event to remember her and celebrate her life. This event will be by invitation only and held in December of this year. Invitations with full details of date, time and venue will be sent out on November 21st 2016. Did you go to school with her? Were you a member of the same netball team? Do you remember her from the Beveridge Roller Dance and Figure Skating Club, Lee Green Dance School or St Clare’s Church? You may have been a friend from one of her places of work, for example GEC or Howards, Blundels or Wilson-Tupholme. If you are interested in attending please write (enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for reply) giving all your contact details and information as to how you knew June, to: BOX NUMBER JBN14 c/o Newton Press, Blue Bridge Centre, St Cuthbert’s Way, Newton Aycliffe DL5 6DS
Did You Know the Late June Bennett?