Dear Editor,
As preparations and excitement for Christmas grows, some of your readers who have diabetes will realise that Christmas is not as straight forward as they would like it to be. For most people, Christmas is a time for treats and a bit of over-indulgence but for someone with diabetes, Christmas can be a time of temptation, unpredictable or delayed meals, extra nibbles, excitement and stress, all of which can lead to varying blood sugars.
We recognise that Christmas can be a difficult time for people who have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, especially the first Christmas with diabetes, so we have an information pack which includes our booklet. ‘Diabetes – Everyday Eating’ and our ‘Christmas Tips’. These give various options for Christmas dinners, a recipe for homemade, lower carbohydrate and calorie Christmas pudding and many other tips to make life a little easier over the festivities.
We are happy to send out this Information Pack free of charge to any of your readers to help them over Christmas. To obtain this information, your readers can contact IDDT on 01604 622837 or email
Jenny Hirst