Early this year Horndale Residents’ Association was approached by David Sutton-Lloyd of Woodham Community Centre to see if we would support his project to get Defibrillator Units placed across the Northern end of the town as reported in last week’s Newton News. We felt this was such an important project we agreed whole heartedly.
We agreed to find a place for a unit in the Horndale area, advertise and support training sessions and to adopt the unit. Raj and Jagdeep of Greenfield Convenience store was approached who were very supportive of the project and have allowed a unit to be placed inside the store.
We have also paid for a sign to go outside the store advertising the unit is available to the public in an emergency. More than 150 volunteers have been trained in CPR and how to use the units, there will be some more training places soon, watch local press for more info.
Thanks to Raj and Jagdeep and David for running this very important project.
Philip Clark
Defibrillator Unit at Greenfield Store