Jim Rodwell came north from Fulham in 1973 to Newton Aycliffe and was a well-liked and popular figure, particularly in the Simpasture area where he lived. For more than 20 years he worked as a Clerical Assistant with the Department of Education and Science at what was in those days their regional headquarters in Darlington. He served as a Councillor on Great Aycliffe Town Council for 18 years, and was Mayor in 1995/6.
Jim’s listed hobbies when he became Mayor were gardening, theatre, and the local Operatic and Choral Society. Most of his time, however, was spent helping and serving on, a wide range of voluntary and community groups. At various times, Jim served on the Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre Committee, the Crime Prevention Panel, the Local Health Advisory Committee, the Alzheimer’s Committee and Newton Aycliffe MIND. He was a Friend of Darlington Memorial Hospital and a volunteer for the Coronary Care Unit.
He was at some time Vice Chairman of the County Durham Residents’ Association, Chairman of the Agnew Community Centre Association, a trustee of the Woodham Village Community Association and of the Greenfield Centre Community Association, a Committee member of the Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association and, even after he retired as a Councillor, a member of the Great Aycliffe Town Council Customer Panel.
Many people who remember Jim will have known him as a Governor of their school: Vane Road, Sugar Hill, Aycliffe Village and Greenfield Schools. For nearly 30 years he was Chairman of Governors at Horndale Infants School, where his involvement and love for the school was exemplary.
It is almost certain that the above list misses many organisations that Jim supported. His was an unassuming service to the community, but, wherever he found people trying to make Newton Aycliffe a better place he was eager to give them his loyal and caring support.
Most people who knew Jim will remember his devoted care for his mother for many of the later years of her life. She was his Mayoress during his year of officer and, long after his term as Mayor was over, they continued to be invited to civic events throughout the region.
Jim Rodwell was a genuinely kind and gentle man, and the town he loved pays tribute to a lifetime trying to build our community.
Death of Former Mayor and Community Champion