A day in history for our children to remember was enacted on Saturday 6th May with millions of viewers glued to the spectacle of a Royal Coronation ceremony of our sovereign King Charles III. We, as Mayor and Mayoress, were no exception.
We began the day with a visit to St. Clare’s Church where Reverends Jeff and Anne Anderson were hosting a coffee morning with a difference. The attendees were treated to the full splendour of the occasion portrayed on a super-sized screen.
Not content with this, our hosts supplied us with an array of cakes and tasty bites and lashings of tea and coffee to wash these down.
When we arrived, Reverend Jeff was extremely busy painting Union Jack flags on the children’s faces. While Reverend Anne was busy making Coronation crafts with the children. A joyous affair with some lovely people in a magnificent setting.
Sadly, we had to leave early for our next engagement, however we did see Charles crowned as our sovereign King.
Thank you very much for the invitation, it is always a pleasure to attend St Clare’s as we are always assured of a warm welcome.
Regards Ken and Elaine Robson
Mayor and Mayoress of Great Aycliffe
Day to Remember