Labour leadership contender Owen Smith has appealed to Labour members and supporters in Darlington to back his campaign to lead a radical, credible opposition. Mr Smith has been travelling across the country setting out his vision for a radical antiausterity party that can defeat the Tories and return the Party to Government. Speaking at the Dolphin Centre in Darlington, Mr Smith said: “Towns like Darlington need a Labour government. Investment in jobs, industry, education and health are essential to the future of people across the North East and beyond. “The last Labour government could have been more radical, but still made an enormous difference to areas that had been victims of the Tories under Thatcher.” The event followed a major economic speech in Newcastle earlier in the day in which Mr Smith promised “a new industrial revolution”. “We need to re-shape our economy so that it works for all. That is why I have made clear my vision for a new industrial strategy to back new productive sectors – backed by £40bn worth of government investment,” he said. Owen Smith was welcomed to Darlington by Councillor Bill Dixon, Leader of Darlington Council and former Corbyn supporter. Cllr Dixon said: “We need a credible leader who can win and who can engage with disaffected Labour voters. In my view that person is Owen Smith.”
“Darlington Needs a Labour Government” says Owen Smith