On Monday Phil Wilson, the local MP, held his first ‘Supermarket Surgery’ in Tesco, Newton Aycliffe. Located at the entrance of the store, Phil was on hand to talk to local constituents about issues and concerns they may have. Many people who had popped in to do their shopping, took advantage of the opportunity to speak to Phil, either raising particular concerns or just stopping for a chat. Speaking about the event Phil said; ‘The surgery in Tesco’s was a great success.
It is important that people are able to speak to their MP about issues that may concern them, and the informal setting of the supermarket meant that I got to speak to people who wouldn’t otherwise arrange to a meeting with an MP. It also gave me a much broader insight into concerns facing the community. I’d like to say thank you to Tesco’s for letting me set up in their entrance, and for helping me be more accessible to my constituents.’ Overall, the event was a great success and Phil looks forward to holding more supermarket surgeries, along with Brexit themed and constituency surgeries across Sedgefield. In the meantime, should you have any issues which you feel his office may be able to help with, please contact 01325 321 603