Clocking up almost 80 miles, a team of 11 keen cyclists plus a small support team, took in five of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust’s eight hospital sites, in a single day, aiming to raise over £2,500 for the Appeal supporting plans to expand the chemotherapy unit at University Hospital of North Durham.
Starting out in Durham, the cyclists headed for Bishop Auckland Hospital, The Richardson Hospital, Barnard Castle, before calling into Darlington Memorial Hospital and Sedgefield Community Hospital. They then cycled back to University Hospital of North Durham.
Philippa Parsons, the Trust’s charity support officer, who took part in the challenge, said, “Some of us hadn’t cycled that far before but we all stuck together, encouraging each other. Seven of us work for the Trust and it was really interesting to experience first-hand the scale of the area our services cover. Some of our route took us off-road and because of all the recent heavy rain, the conditions were quite bad – we even suffered a number of punctures. This meant the challenge took us much longer than we anticipated, however, we’re all delighted to have helped raise money for this amazing cause.”
Beth Gibson, manager of the chemotherapy unit, explains, “Cancer screening, increased public awareness alongside advancements in investigations, such as MRI scans and CT scans, means many patients are diagnosed earlier. As developments in medicine continue, more patients are able to receive additional treatment options than they were 10 years ago for example. Patients are living longer with a cancer diagnosis and whilst this is fantastic news, the rising demand and availability of treatment comes with a growing pressure on available facilities, especially in small day units like ours at University Hospital of North Durham. Our aim is to give patients and their families’ treatment in a purpose built centre, focussed on providing a relaxing and calm environment whilst preserving their privacy and dignity, welcoming and warm surroundings that our patients deserve”.
Charity manager at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, Pat Chambers, said, “We’re grateful to Discover EDventure for planning the challenging but scenic route and for all their back up support for our participants.
“We’re delighted with the enthusiasm and support our Appeal is receiving and I’d urge anyone looking to support this worthwhile cause to get in touch. You could help out at one of our events or run a fundraising event of your own. We can help with suggestions and advice.”
To contact the Charity Team: email: or phone: 01325 743781.