The Leader of Durham County Council has welcomed Sir Ian Botham as the new chairman of Durham County Cricket Club. Following the cricketing legend’s appointment as Chairman on Thursday, Cllr Simon Henig hailed the move as a step towards a brighter future for the club. Cllr Simon Henig, Leader of Durham County Council, said: “We’re delighted with the appointment of Sir Ian Botham as chairman and would like to wish him the warmest of welcomes to his new position. “To have an international cricketing icon taking on such a major role can only be a positive step towards a new, brighter future for the club. “With its importance to the local community, County Durham and the region as a whole, it is vital that we now move forward, working closely together with the cricket club, the new board and the ECB to get Durham County Cricket Club back where it belongs.” In October, the council agreed to convert the outstanding balance of loans to the club, totalling £3.74 million, into redeemable preference shares in the newly formed Community Interest Company to run the club going forward.
Cricket Club Appoints ‘Beefy’ as Chairman