The wonderful Cree volunteers at Greenfield have been busy this term trying various healthy living tasters, including yoga, mindfulness and cookery to see how this can help them feel better in mind and body.
The programme which is supported by public health funding has encouraged them to explore new activities outside their comfort zone and to think positively about their well-being. It has recently seen our volunteers get hands-on in the kitchen and make some delicious healthy food such as cottage pie with a healthy twist and a hearty lentil and vegetable curry.
These healthy eating sessions have been led by specialist tutor Laura Agar Wilson of ‘Wholeheartedly Healthy’ and have proved a great success, Philip Clark one of our valued Cree members speaking about the experience said “it was really interesting to find out about different foods, particularly alternatives such as coconut oil and curried lentils which were a surprising addition to your five a day! It was nice to cook and eat with our friendly group”
The Cree volunteers are also looking forward to being involved in future community projects including bringing some laughter to Newton Aycliffe train station, watch this space! Anyone interested in finding out a bit more about our Cree sessions which are held on Mondays between 10.30 – 12.30 should contact Greenfield Arts on 01325 379048 to speak to our friendly team or check out the website on
Cree Men Get a Taste for Healthy Eating