Greenfield Arts would like to invite local male volunteers to join our Cree men’s group on Mondays 10:30am – 12:30pm. The group are currently working on creating an animated window display and light structure for our Winter Wonderland event to be held on 25th November 5:30pm – 8:00pm. The aim of these projects are to add warmth and light to the dreary winter months.
The Cree volunteers meet regularly to socialise and work on a variety of projects with Greenfield Arts; most recently they have created our new purpose built cupboard in the newly furbished Studio 2. They have received various awards for their skills and hard work and have built a family of friends they would like to extend further. We are looking for anyone who would like to meet new people or who have particular creative or mechanical skills that they would like to share and develop.
If you would like to join us for any of our friendly Cree sessions please contact Greenfield Arts on or 01325 379048.
Cree Male Volunteers